Saturday, February 8, 2014

Day 1: (The Beginning)
This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalms 118:24 ESV

Hello, fellow bloggers! Wow, this is sooo new to me! Well, minus Twitter (@CHRISTandCAKE) and Facebook (Finding God in the Kitchen), this is like such a different experience....maybe not?
 I'm starting this blog for three reasons: 

1. accountability- for myself toward this improved lifestyle.  
2. education- I want to learn with and from others via feedback.
3. sharing- (because it is caring) I would like to give back wisdom, encouragement, and love. 

Here we go, like I said in my profile I've always had a love affair with food. Because of this said love affair I have been up and down in weigh pretty much all of my life.  Thank God for His favor, I am a fairly tall woman and my weight is pretty much well distributed. However, my body doesn't care about my height. I am currently on doctors orders to lower my cholesterol and weight, my knees and back ache,  and my legs swell.

This picture is not from this year (its a popular FB laugh- will take a new pic on a better hair day), however my derriere makes a comeback every year after the yup it still looks the same, bigger actually! I'm gonna need for you all to lay hands on this pic and pray for this butt!

Okay, on a more serious note,  I have declined the advice of my doctor to take medicine (Lipitor) to lower my cholesterol.  This decision was made after reading the side affects, of the medication.  I consulted further with my doctor and settled on pursuing a more natural method. I have been taking Fish oil vitamins since November of 2013, but I have made no change in my diet until now. 

Let me stop here to make myself perfectly clear. I don't believe in diets! I despise the dirty word! Because I come from a household and a culture were I was taught to fit in with the commercialized image of perfect- dieting has always played a part in my life. However, now that I am older and wiser I would like to start the path to wellness- mentally, spiritually and  physically. This is going to be a process, one in which I intend to enjoy day by day. I have no intention on giving up foods that I enjoy for twigs and grass. I am not a rabbit! I have no intentions of eating portion sized meals. A 'deck of cards' do not represent my ideal serving of meat.
I have done some research and have concluded on some methods in which can be added into this permanent life change (look at me speaking words of existence into my life). 

1. lowering my carbs ,processed foods, and sugar intake
2. replacing bad carbs for good ones
3 enjoying more high metabolic foods 
4. learning to appreciate and adapt into a more organic food lifestyle
5. experimenting with food choices and creating healthier and delicious entrees including DESSERTS
6. drinking more waa waat- aqua (this is weird, I do not like water- I know crazy!)
7. exercise  (who likes this?!) nothing heavy yet, starting out with 20min of some type of Cardio.
8. praying, studying and meditating on the word of God
9. stopping to smell the roses and enjoy all of life in its individual parts

So, these are my objectives, in which nothing is written in stone (except #8- God willing he keeps me in my right mind). I know, I know, to state that means I'm not serious about making these changes. No, I'm saying this will be a journey in which there may be changes due to learning, trying and experiencing new things. 

So, lets commence into Day 1! And, may God give us each day our daily bread. See you later........


  1. Brilliant.
    I am so excited to take this journey with you. Dare I say, it's time for me, too!

    I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. ~Psalm 139:14

  2. Thank you, Monifa. Lets do this together! pictures!
