Friday, February 14, 2014

Day 7: Love Is In the Air!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!

 This day is supposed to be for lovers, so I won't spend a lot of your time talking about healthy eating.  To be honest, I feel the need for some Bon Bons myself! The munchies have been nagging at me all day! Back to the kitchen I go to occupy my time.

 I wanted to share with you all the results of the soy chunk experiment.

The chunks are hard and dry like croutons. They must be soaked in liquid. I chose water, but some recipes online use milk, broth, or even juices.


After one hour of soaking up water, I drained them off and squeezed them out.

(not very appealing but this is how they look after an hour)

I put the chunks aside to prepare some Quinoa (following the directions on the bag) to add to this meal.

Okay, so I sauteed some peppers, onions and crushed garlic with olive oil in a pan.

I  then added the chunks and some seasoning: sea salt and pepper to taste, along with some currypowder and  two tablespoons of coconut milk. 
I placed the top on and let it cook down for ten minutes or so. I then added the fluffy Quinoa, some diced tomatoes and some raw butter. 



This was delicious and can be eaten as a meal or a side dish!

 Enjoy your loved ones, for it's Valentine's Day every day when you are loved! 

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